Thursday, 30 March 2017

अहंकार मरता है...शरीर जलता है......

अहंकार मरता है...शरीर जलता है......
बहुत ही ज्ञानवर्धक लेख जरूर पढें!

ऐसा कहते हैं कि नानक देव जी जब आठ वर्ष के थे तब पहली बार अपने घर से अकेले निकल पड़े, सब घर वाले और पूरा गाँव चिंतित हो गया तब शाम को किसी ने नानक के पिता श्री कालू मेहता को खबर दी कि नानक तो श्मशान घाट में शांत बैठा है। सब दौड़े और वाकई एक चिता के कुछ दूर नानक बैठे हैं और एक अद्भुत शांत मुस्कान के साथ चिता को देख रहे थे, माॅ ने तुरंत रोते हुए गले लगा लिया और पिता ने नाराजगी जताई और पूछा यहां क्यों आऐ। नानक ने कहा पिता जी कल खेत से आते हुए जब मार्ग बदल कर हम यहां से जा रहे थे और मैंने देखा कि एक आदमी चार आदमीयो के कंधे पर लेटा है और वो चारो रो रहे हैं तो मेरे आपसे पूछने पर कि ये कौन सी जगह हैं, तो पिताजी आपने कहा था कि ये वो जगह है बेटा जहां एक न एक दिन सबको आना ही पड़ेगा और बाकी के लोग रोएगें ही।
बस तभी से मैनें सोचा कि जब एक दिन आना ही हैं तो आज ही चले और वैसे भी अच्छा नही हैं लगता अपने काम के लिए अपने चार लोगो को रूलाना भी और कष्ट भी दो उनके कंधो को , तो बस यही सोच कर आ गया।
तब कालू मेहता रोते हुए बोले नानक पर यहां तो मरने के बाद आते हैं इस पर जो आठ वर्षीय नानक बोले वो कदापि कोई आठ जन्मो के बाद भी बोल दे तो भी समझो जल्दी बोला
" नानक ने कहा पिता जी ये ही बात तो मैं सुबह से अब तक मे जान पाया हूं कि लोग मरने के बाद यहां लाए जा रहे हैं , अगर कोई पूरे चैतन्य से यहां अपने आप आ जाऐ तो वो फिर कभी मरेगा ही नही सिर्फ शरीर बदलेगा क्योंकि मरता तो अंहकार है और जो यहां आकर अपने अंहकार कि चिता जलाता है वो फिर कभी मरता ही नही मात्र मोक्ष प्राप्त कर लेता है।
इसीलिए उन्होंने अमर वचन कहे जप जी साहिब  |

         🌷नारायण नारायण 🌷

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

सारे तीर्थों की यात्रा से बढ़कर एक भगवन्नाम

जिसके घर में आग लग रही है, उसे नींद नहीं आती | किसी के आग लग जाती है तो बुझाओ-बुझाओ चिल्लाता है, इसी प्रकार बुढापा है, मृत्यु है, अब समय नहीं रहा, जल्दी काम करो, नहीं तो घर जल जायगा | जिसे घर जलता हुआ दीख जाता है, वह दूसरी बात नहीं सुनता | आपकी आयु बीत रही है | यही घर के आग लग रही है | समय ही असली धन है यह व्यर्थ जा रहा है | समय व्यर्थ जाना घर के आग लगने के समान है | सोये और लोगों की निन्दा में समय व्यर्थ बिताया | भोग, प्रमाद, आलस्य और पाप – इन चारों में समय जाना घर में आग लगना है, बिना आग बुझाये उसको चैन नहीं पड़ता | जो इस प्रकार सोते हैं उसने घर में आग लगा रखी है | जो समय को अनमोल समझते हैं उनका समय व्यर्थ नहीं जाता | भगवत कृपा का आश्रय लेकर भजन – ध्यान का साधन जोर से करना चाहिये | इसमें एक तो अभिमान नहीं होता, दूसरे भगवान् की दया काम आती है | प्रयत्न करने से दया खिल जाती है | प्रारब्ध पर काम नहीं छोड़ना चाहिये | फल प्रारब्ध पर छोड़ दें | भगवान् की दया यही है कि प्रयत्न करे | केवल दया-दया पुकारना झूठा है भगवान् का प्रभाव, रहस्य और तत्व को महापुरुषों से, शास्त्रों से जानने की चेष्टा करे | उनका प्रभाव, सामर्थ्य ऐसा है कि एक क्षण में उध्दार कर दे, रहस्य जना दे |

नारायण ! नारायण !! नारायण !!!

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Is this civilization?

Undoubtedly we have produced by dint of advancement of having the motors, the radios, the cinemas, the railways, the airways, the medicines, the toilets, the big buildings, the big mills, agricultural implements, big offices, hodgepodge philosophers, industrialists, poets, scientists, politicians, iron men, statesmen and what not but the net result is no food, no clothing, no shelter, no peace.

Will any thinking and sober man with any sense of human reasoning call this status of human life as civilized? We think not. This unrestricted material progress of civilization must be checked if humanity has to exist at all and the big brains who pose to lead the people in general must now try to understand and recognise that matter is not all in all but it is subordinate to the spirit.

(From an early essay by Srila Prabhupada)

Wake up sleeping soul

"Wake up sleeping soul!

This is the plea of Lord Caitanya.
  • This human form of life which you have achieved with great difficulty over millions of lifetimes of evolution through the lower your species is currently slipping through your fingers soon to be lost unless you seriously utilize it starting right now to awaken your eternal enlightened blissful consciousness as a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all existence. Do not be lulled into the sense of material sense gratification, either subtle or gross. Utilize this human life for what it is meant for, and experience the supreme benefit of an eternal life, full of knowledge, and full of bliss.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

we find ourselves so fortunate to have the association of a devotee of the Lord

Just as a fish comes from a watery environment and cannot be satisfied unless he is in a watery environment, in a similar way since we are all the emanations of Krishna and therefore share His nature of eternity, knowledge, and bliss, we can never be satisfied unless we are back in contact with Him. Sometimes when a fish is washed onto the beach and cannot get back into the water, he is lying there suffering like anything in complete total anxiety. Despite his desperate flopping motions to try to get himself back into the water, he is not successful in doing so. However if a kind-hearted person happens to come walking along the beach and sees the poor fish's plight, he can very easily pick him up and toss him back into the water. 

This is the kindness of the devotee of the Lord upon those souls who are captivated by this material existence. If we find ourselves in such a pitiable condition as that fish, and if we find ourselves to be so fortunate as to have the association of a devotee of the Lord, we should understand how fortunate we are and take full advantage of our good fortune by learning from the Lord's devotee how we can also become the Lord's devotee. The devotee will teach us to how to perfect the bhakti yoga system, devotional service to the Lord.

There are other processes for elevating the consciousness beyond this material existence such as jnana yoga and hatha yoga. But in order for these other processes to take us all the way to complete spiritual perfection it is required that one have no further dealings with the material world. However, the bhakti yoga system is so powerful that one can remain active within this material world and at the same time become completely transcendental to it.

What is KARMA, how can it affect our lives?

as received in my email

1)What is KARMA
2) how can it affect our lives?
3)Is there anything we can do to change our KARMA?

The answers are as under:-
1) Karma is a matter/substance having physical existence and which fuses with soul and is carried to next life .Bad karma is represented by black matter/substance and good karma is white matter/substance. Karma is a living (alive) matter and attracts similar matter and resists opposite matter. As such, it is difficult for persons having black matter/bad karma to listen to good advice or take action for spiritual development.

2) Persons carrying bad karma (black matter) will be uneasy and unhappy irrespective of financial or social position. Further, persons carrying bad karma (black matter) will suffer physically ,emotionally and mentally to the extent of load of karma .It creates obstacle in path of happiness.

3)Certainly ,we can do a lot to change our Karma, as under:-

a) The first rule for changing bad karma to good karma is not to hurt any one ,not to harm any one so that additional bad karma is not accumulated.
b) The second rule is to practice compassion , kindness and benevolence. Carrying a thought that everybody should benefit from me and doing something for everyone daily reduces bad karma and accumulates good karma.
c) The third rule is patience and tolerance. One must not react immediately in anger. By suffering silently without reacting dissolves bad karma.

The understanding of the above and starting to practice in daily life will produce result immediately. The result will be you will start singing or dancing or both.

Definition of Karma is

Definition of Karma is "any action - physical or mental - done with an attachment of "I" in it". "I" here means the body. In simpler words, Karma means any action that I say "I have done". Here it is important to distinguish between "I" and "Self". "I" means the body and "Self" means the soul.

There is a universal saying "Every action has a reaction". Gitaji seems to accept this. Hence for every action we will get something in return (Karma Phal - Fruit of Karma), be it good or bad. Obviously the fruit of Karma will be good for good deeds and bad for bad deeds.

Now, the question arises, how can one live wuthout Karma. At this point of time, I would like to give an example. I went to a saint and sought her guidance as to how can we achieve God. She most graciously advised that we need not do anything to achieve God. I was baffled. I thought that she may not be considering me worthy to deserve an answer. However, I once again asked the same question at her lotus feet, as to how can one achieve God without doing anything (Sadhan). After a little while, she said "after all what do you do any way". This put me thinking as to what was the secret hidden in her words of wisdom. I then got an answer from my inner self that I am the soul and not the body. Hence all actions done by the body are not done by my true self. This is the crux of Karma. So long as we will do any activity with an attachment of "I" (the BODY), those Karmas will invite Karma Phal.

Since as a beginner, it is difficult to differenciate between "I" and "Self", may I suggest that we may start with Good Deeds. Different people can define good deeds differently. Hence I would like to clarify that there are three "Gunas" - Sattvik, Rasjasik and Tamasik. Sattvik actions lift us up and bring peace in our mind. Examples of Sattvik actions are

- Giving something to a needy, who is completly an unknown person. I say "Unknown" because in his case we will not expect anything in retunn at any time in life.

- Sit alone and read Gitaji and it's Teeka (Discourse)

Similarly, Rajasik actions are the normal day to day actions that we take, keeping in mind that we do not take any action with an intention to hurt anyone. It does not mean that no one should get hurt but the intension should not be there to hurt.

Lastly the Tamasik actions are those that lead to lethargy, sluggishness etc. Examples are - Intoxication, Gambling, Killing for pleasure or food etc.

There in nothing that we can do to change our Karma. What we have sowed, we will have to reap. What we can do is not to have future karmas and also not suffer from our old Karmas. This is a very advanced stage and may be very difficult for a beginner to understand. Hence, my strong recommendation to my fellow sadhaks is to keep on reading commentaries on Gitaji and keep contemplating on same. After all "Krishnam Vandey Jagatgurum"

Thursday, 16 March 2017

We should ask four questions in our relationship

4 questions should ask in our relationship.

Something that each one of us cherished and very sweet to deep into our heart is love. We need every individuals to love and to be loved. In fact I say there is only one ship that never sink is the genuine meaningful relationship. It's quite amazing though how something that hold so sacred and so high value to it, it's often so neglected and abused in our relationship. One of the fact is that bring distance and bitterness is giving corrective feedback.  When we try to correct someone that's a bitterness in heart to whom the person we are trying to correct. Sometimes the person distances himself of his self from us.
How we should give a corrective feedback in relationship?
In order to correct someone or say something to someone which is not pleasant for someone then we try to ask 4 question to ourselves?

1. Am I the right person to correct other individual?
And who is the right person? Sometimes I say every women has only one best child in the world and that is her child and every man thinks that there is only one best women in the world and that is his wife. Can any man give a corrective  feedback to another person's wife? Can any parent give a corrective feedback to someone else's child?  Therefore when we say are you the right person? We should ask ourselves the question Am I relative? Am I a friend? Am I an authority in any way to give a corrective feedback? If answer is yes move towards 2nd question

2. Do you  have a right motive to correct?
Very often the motive in correcting others is settling our old accounts instead of actually serve person by helping the person what wrong he or she is doing. In giving corrective feedback we should have a very high sense of conscious, we should introspect and come to the conclusion when I say something to the person it's actually serve the person and not to settle any old accounts.

3. Do you actually know a right way to give corrective feedback?
A lot of times people are okay with taking corrections but the way the correction is expressed is so crose,  so blunts and so abusive can actually create a lot of harm to the person and the person switches off for taking such feedbacks.  Thus many times I say when we try to correct an issue, issue is only about 10% and 90% is about wrong tone of voice. If we just have a right tone of voice and if we say by right  way then lot of people are okay to handle it.  Our feedback, our correction, and our advices will sinks deeper.

4. Is it the right time to give a  feedback?
We should ask ourselves this question is it the right time to give a corrective feedback? Many times I says we should not express our anger, we should explain our anger or feelings. When you express what we feel then it's unpleasant and when we explain what we feels people can understand.  When heads are hot and we upset when we deal with a straightway feedback because it's a wrong timing because we expressed. And when we allow our heads to cool down you won't express but you will explain to say. Therefore remember 4 things in your life. If you want to ever ever ever give a corrective feedback.
1.  Are you the right person?
2. Do you have the right motive?
3. Do you have the right way?
4. Is it the right time?