Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Everything is only God

Everything is only God - if someone wishes to know this point, then he should sit in seclusion and begin to pray - O' Lord! How do I get to know You, how do I realize You?

"Katham vidyamaham yogimstvaam sadaa parichintayan | (Gita 10/17) "How may I realize You, O Master of Yoga! Everything is only You - how do I realize this! How do I realize! In this manner let there be an intense yearning within.
There is an incident about a very poor man. He went to a Mahatma and said "Maharaj! I am deep in debt. I am unable to get food-water-shelter-clothes for my sustenance. Shower me with your grace so that I can be free of debt." The Mahatma said "what is the biggest thing you have in your house?" The poor man said, I have a large stone, on which I sit while bathing. That is the largest object in my house. The Mahatma said, go home and sit on that stone and begin to repeat - Stone, turn into gold !… Stone turn into gold ! …. Stone turn into gold ! Is this much gold adequate for you? The poor man said, my debts will be paid off with a fraction of this gold. The Mahatma told him to go home and repeat the mantra for twenty-four hours. The man went home and began his recitation – stone turn into gold! He continued this recitation for 23 hours. Then he looked at the stone and said, so far even a small portion has not turned to gold, then too he continued. There were only five minutes remaining then too the stone had not converted into gold. He continued the recitation. Now only a minute remained, and being somewhat frustrated he said, if not into gold at least turn in iron. The moment he said this, the stone turned into iron. He went back to the Mahatma and said "Maharaj, that stone turned into an Iron block! How did this happen? The Mahatma said, you must have said so, therefore it turned into iron. You became tired and irritable therefore by your saying it turned into iron. If you did not become tired, and continued to repeat - May the stone become gold, then it would have turned into gold; because that was the time to have said so."

In this manner, an aspirant, should not become tired and impatient and instead get after God for twenty four hours saying – how am I to realize You? O' Lord, How am I to realize you? All can pray in this manner, because being a part of God all are entitled to God. If hunger troubles you, eat a "roti", if thirst troubles you, then drink water, if sleep troubles you, then go to sleep, but do not leave your yearning, your intense longing. Whether mind is engaged or not, whether attention is captured or not, but do not leave the prayer. God is very compassionate. He is the well-wisher of all beings. "Suhurdam sarvabhootaanaam" (Gita 5/29). Out of His mercy, He will make Himself known. That stone becomes gold, but is not so as such; but the world does not become a form of God, rather it is a manifestation of God. Simply we have to change our conception. The gopis therefore prayed to the Lord - "dayit drushyataam" (Srimad Bhagwat 10/32/1) Dear One ! You appear in front of us!" Then the Lord, appears in the center of all the gopis. "taasaamaavirbhoochourih" (Srimad Bhagwat 10/32/2) . What other spiritual practice will be easier than this?

From "Sab Jagah Ishvar Roop Hai" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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