Thursday, 28 July 2016

Gentlemen, be warned !

Gentlemen,  be warned ! 
_You are living in the world which is mortal._
All the men have to die and you don’t know the time of your death,
it is quite uncertain; 
the messengers of the god of death may come anytime. 
Therefore do not be careless, be warned, and do the work which you should do. 
If you don’t do it now, when will you do it ?  
The children think that they will do such work when they grow up.  Similarly we also think that we shall do this in the future. 
*But what will you do, when you grow old and your hair turns grey ?*  
_Then you will do nothing, except dying. _
The time is passing and the body is decaying every moment. 
*Is there any doubt about it ?  *
*You rejoice on your birthday, but you should lament on that day because you have wasted one valuable year of your life in which you might have attained God.* 
_Think over it seriously and be careful for the future without lamenting over the time which you have wasted.  Remember God._
*हरे कृष्ण*


We must be thankful for the offer and willingness to help, not the outcome
We must be thankful for the challenges, not just the successes
We must be thankful for our trials and tribulations, not just our glorious victories
We must be thankful to God for the money we might have today that we didn't have yesterday, and let go of the fact that we did not get the thousand we wanted
We must be thankful to God for the meal we had today, and not dwell on the one we might have dreamed of
We must be thankful to God for the service we have now, and let go of the fact that we did not get the service we wanted or wished we had
We must be thankful to God for that friends that are with us and support us
We must be thankful to God for everything!

Fear not that life may end; fear that life may never begin

Fear not that life may end; fear that life may never begin
We all fear death. Among all our possessions, life is most precious, because without it, we can’t enjoy any other possession. Naturally, we treasure life.
Though we are terrified about losing our life in one stroke to death, we don’t even notice losing our life gradually, moment-by-moment. We willingly, even eagerly, let so many of our moments be dissipated on trivialities and trinkets: trivialities such as gossip and trinkets such as a new gadget.
Bhakti insights revise our understanding of what is worth fearing – not the ending of life because life will inevitably end at the material level. What is worth fearing is that life may never begin, that we may imprudently delay offering our love to Krishna and thereby block the beginning of our real life.

Whenever pride comes in us

Whenever pride comes in us,    
whenever our tendencies become bad,   
when some desires come in us, 
then the easiest method to get rid of them, 
is to tell it to God.  
Within our mind let us say to the Lord “O’  Lord!  See!  See!   desires have come in my mind!  see the state of my mind.  My Lord!  Such tendencies have cropped up in my mind;  resolves have creeped in!  O’  Lord, I am doing your prayer, worship and meditation, people consider me to be your devotee, they regard me as being good, but such is my state !” Just as on having contact with fire, even a piece of black coal begins to shine; because in fact the relation of the coal is with fire itself, but due to being away from the fire, it becomes black. Similarly on having an association with God, all the flaws are eradicated and he begins to shine. He develops an exceptional quality in him; because in fact man’s relationship is with God only. God’s grace makes the impossible, possible. Similarly, “kartumkartumanyathakrtum sarmathah” When one takes the support of the Lord, then what is there to worry about? God does all the work of his devotees who have taken refuge in him.

suicide, taking one's own life,

In today's overly stressed society suicide, taking one's own life, is very common.  When people become completely devastated by too much misery they foolishly think they can free themselves from misery by committing suicide.  They do not realize that the karma for suicide is to take birth as a ghost and become even more miserable than they were in this lifetime. Therefore instead of killing one's body to get free from suffering it is advised that one should kill one's false conception of being the body by awakening one's spiritual consciousness within. It is a fact that on the bodily plane we are tortured by the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. But when you realize that you are not your body, that you are instead the eternal, spirit-soul, servant of Krishna you will become completely ecstatic regardless of what your body is going through. Therefore when the Krishna consciousness movement completely inundates this planet there will be no more suicides here because everyone will be happy. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

The body is a village,

The body is a village, and the soul is the owner and farmer; the five farm-hands live there.
The eyes, nose, ears, tongue and sensory organs of touch do not obey any order.
O father, now I shall not live in this village.
The accountants summoned Chitar and Gupat, the recording scribes of the conscious and the unconscious, to ask for an account of each and every moment.
When the Righteous Judge of Dharma calls for my account, there shall be a very heavy balance against me.
The five farm-hands shall then run away, and the bailiff shall arrest the soul.
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: settle your accounts in this farm.
O Lord, please forgive Your slave now, in this life, so that he may not have to return again to this terrifying world-ocean.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

आदमी की औकात

एक माचिस की तिल्ली,
एक घी का लोटा,
लकड़ियों के ढेर पे
कुछ घण्टे में राख.....
बस इतनी-सी है  आदमी की औकात !!!!
एक बूढ़ा बाप शाम को मर गया ,
अपनी सारी ज़िन्दगी , परिवार के नाम कर गया।
कहीं रोने की सुगबुगाहट  , तो कहीं फुसफुसाहट ,
....अरे जल्दी ले जाओ कौन रोयेगा सारी रात...
बस इतनी-सी है  *आदमी की औकात!!!!*
मरने के बाद नीचे देखा ,
नज़ारे नज़र आ रहे थे,
मेरी मौत पे .....
कुछ लोग ज़बरदस्त,
तो कुछ  ज़बरदस्ती
रो रहे थे।
नहीं रहा.. ........चला गया..........
चार दिन करेंगे बात.........
बस इतनी-सी है  *आदमी की औकात!!!!!*
बेटा अच्छी तस्वीर बनवायेगा ,
सामने अगरबत्ती जलायेगा ,
खुश्बुदार फूलों की माला होगी ......
अखबार में  अश्रुपूरित श्रद्धांजली होगी.........
बाद में उस तस्वीर पे , जाले भी कौन करेगा साफ़...
बस इतनी-सी है  *आदमी की औकात !!!!!!*
जिन्दगी भर , मेरा- मेरा- मेरा  किया....
अपने लिए कम , अपनों के लिए ज्यादा जीया ...
कोई न देगा साथ...जायेगा खाली हाथ....
क्या तिनका  ले जाने की भी है हमारी औकात   ???
*हम चिंतन करें .........*
*क्या है हमारी औकात ???*