Whenever pride comes in us,
whenever our tendencies become bad,
when some desires come in us,
then the easiest method to get rid of
is to tell it to God.
Within our mind let us say to the Lord “O’ Lord!
See! See! desires have come in my mind! see the state of my mind. My Lord!
Such tendencies have cropped up in my mind; resolves have creeped in! O’
Lord, I am doing your prayer, worship and meditation, people consider me
to be your devotee, they regard me as being good, but such is my state !” Just
as on having contact with fire, even a piece of black coal begins to shine;
because in fact the relation of the coal is with fire itself, but due to being
away from the fire, it becomes black. Similarly on having an association with
God, all the flaws are eradicated and he begins to shine. He develops an
exceptional quality in him; because in fact man’s relationship is with God
only. God’s grace makes the impossible, possible. Similarly,
“kartumkartumanyathakrtum sarmathah” When one takes the support of the Lord,
then what is there to worry about? God does all the work of his devotees who
have taken refuge in him.
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