In today's overly stressed society suicide, taking one's own life, is
very common. When people become
completely devastated by too much misery they foolishly think they can free
themselves from misery by committing suicide.
They do not realize that the karma for suicide is to take birth as a
ghost and become even more miserable than they were in this lifetime. Therefore
instead of killing one's body to get free from suffering it is advised that one
should kill one's false conception of being the body by awakening one's
spiritual consciousness within. It is a fact that on the bodily plane we are
tortured by the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. But when you
realize that you are not your body, that you are instead the eternal,
spirit-soul, servant of Krishna you will become completely ecstatic regardless
of what your body is going through. Therefore when the Krishna consciousness
movement completely inundates this planet there will be no more suicides here
because everyone will be happy. Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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