Tuesday, 1 December 2015

May All be Happy, May No One Suffer

Do not develop an attachment towards those you serve. The point is, by giving up your selfishness, give happiness to all, and see towards everyone's well-being.

"Sarve Bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niraamayaahaa
Sarve bhadraan paschyantu, maa kaschid dukh bhagbhavet."

My good friends ! Have such a feelings within  -  May no one suffer; May all get rest and relaxation; May all attain happiness. . This is an immense opportunity in this human birth. Working for selfishness is not humanity. Dogs play a lot with each other, but the minute they see food, they fight with each other. In the same say if we too fight due to selfishness, then what is the difference between the animals and us ?

"Te praanuvanti maameva, sarvabhoote hite rataah." (Gita 12:4)

Those who are engaged in the welfare of all, will surely attain God. Brothers ! you have received immense gains from the world, by accepting it as your own. Now accept God as your very own and see the magic that takes place. May all benefit, may all be happy; may all get rest and relaxation, may all attain salvation - such must be our inner feelings. Do as much as you can to serve. But have no shortcomings in your inner expression. Have a broad outlook, such that you are happy in the happiness and welfare of all.

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