Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Feeling of Oneness (Apnapan) with God by Swami Ramsukhdasji

 Gentlemen! When we become God's, then it becomes essential for us to conduct in the best of best ways with God's creation – this world.  This entire world is the Lord's, and everyone in it is our master.  On having such sentiments, our conduct with them will be very good.  Our conduct will be one of renouncing and sacrificing, our treatment will be one of seeing to their well-being and of serving them.  By this our conduct will be purified.  Our spirituality will be perfected, and we will be liberated from this world.  Therefore by being God's, do His work.  Serve all seeing them as God's creatures. Within have the sentiments that -       
Sarve    Bhavantu    Sukhinah,       Sarve     Santu    Niraamayaa,
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagyebhevet.
May all become happy, may all be free from disease;  May there be nothing but auspiciousness in everyone's lives; May no one undergo pain or suffering. If we develop such sentiments, then whether the entire world is happy or not that we do not know, but we will certainly, without any doubt, become happy.
  Do me a little favor!  Understand this point attentively!  In the path of devotion, only the sentiments have to change that I am God's and God is mine; This world is not mine and I am not of this world.   It has come in the Gita - 
              Ananyaascintayanto    maam    ye   janaah   paryupaasate;
             tesaam nityaabhiyuktaanaam yogaksemam vahaamyaham.
                                                                                                         ( 9:22)
"To those men, who worship Me alone, thinking of none but Me, who are
ever-devout, I make provisions to protect what they have and I also provide them with all the necessities that are required." (Gita 9:22) and
"ananya chetaa satatam...  tasyaa ham sulabh paarth"  (Gita 8/14).
To become God's exclusively and to contemplate on Him means – I am only God's and only God is mine.  For those who do so, God says – "tasyaahum sulabh"  i.e. He who uniquely, undividedly, and exclusively becomes Mine, who remembers and retains Me, to him I become easily attainable.
Gentlemen!  He who is a trader, if he is shown something good, then he will not leave it; because in it he will gain a lot. Similarly, he who desires his spiritual progress, for him a very great and simple-straight forward point is  to concede, to adopt that I am God's and God is mine.  If this belief is firmed, fixed, and unyielding, than today itself one can attain perfection, absoluteness. Do me just a little favor. Have that much kindness and consent to this point firmly - that "I am God's and God is mine".  It is the truth!  I am not deceiving you.  Before you were God's, in the end you will be God's, and now too you are only God's. Whether you concede to it or not, you are only God's, of this there is no doubt.

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