Saturday, 1 April 2017

He who fools us stays within us

We are staying in the world where we get cheated or fooled by people but more than anyone else our own mind who is staying within us has fooled us and still continues to do so. some of his tricks or ways of fooling are mentioned below-
*1)By creating wrong picture of person or situation*
Although one may have eyes to see but his vision depends upon mind. The person may be nice, situations may be a favourable but due to preconceived notions and impressions in mind one may misinterpret it. The best of the friend becomes worst enemy if mind sees him in that way. False and insignificant appears to be real and significant and vice a versa by mind's vision.
*2)By false hopes and promises*
Mind is like a cheater but pretends to be a good friend. Just like someone promises to give best of the things in exchange of money but after receiving money offers something very cheap in return or runs away with money. Similarly mind ask us to work hard for senses but the pleasure at the end we receive is so meagre and fractional. But still mind gives hopes saying this time you could not enjoy but let's try next time with whole energy, you will be the winner.
*3)By convincing us*
Mind is expert in convincing us about its plans for sense enjoyment. His arguments feels appealing to the conditioned. He convinces us to such an extent that we, eternal souls tries to seek permanent pleasure with impermanent things in this temporary world.
*4)By depriving us* 
Gita calls mind to be an enemy that takes away our assets that are meant to understand our real nature. Mind keeps us controlled by his promising temptations, and most of us get hooked to it. Busy in trying to become blissful here in this world one completely forgets about his real identity as an eternal soul which by nature is always blissful and cognisant. Mind deprive us of our capacity to understand and enjoy pure bliss by alluring us for insignificant material pleasure.
*5)By dishonest advice*  
Ideally senses should be controlled by mind and mind should be under intelligence. Mind doesn't want to get controlled by intelligence so he corrupts the intelligence and controls it, engages it in fulfilling own vicious wishes. Corrupted intelligence can no more give good advice rather just tries to fulfil the desires of mind.

Interestingly one who frees us(Krishna) stays also within us, in our heart as paramatma, when one looks at him, trusts him and follows him, then he guides us on our spiritual journey without fooling us.

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